Marketing specialist Holly Hickman suggests 10 Commandments of Classical Music Audience-Building. She also gives examples of highly successful projects and a list of recommended books and websites on the topic. […]
Marketing specialist Holly Hickman suggests 10 Commandments of Classical Music Audience-Building. She also gives examples of highly successful projects and a list of recommended books and websites on the topic. […]
Listen to online concerts that take place thousands of miles away. This article lists specialized platforms, free and paying, that broadcast concerts on the web. Article original: http://television.telerama.fr/television/ou-voir-de-la-musique-classique-en-ligne,114527.php Auteur : […]
Red Bull combines the explosive breakdance style with classical music in an innovative performance of the group Flying Steps in Canada in October 2014.Article original: http://www.quebecspot.com/2014/07/red-bull-combine-le-style-explosif-de-breakdance-avec-la-musique-classique-15072014/ Auteur et source: Québec […]
In November, Classical Radio (France) launched a new communication campaign to show the humorous presence of classical music in our daily lives. https://www.facebook.com/R.Classique/posts/10154783485550652
Musicians in a Danish orchestra played after eating the strongest pepper in the world. A video of this funny experience organized by Klaus Wunderhits became a viral these past few […]