Photo : keystone / gettyimages At what age to most people stop seeking out new music ? According to journalist Dave Shumka, the age is 33 years old. To learn […]
Malcolm Riviera/Wikimedia Commons Since classics like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, which aspects of pop music have changed? According to a study reported by Tom Jacobs, the most striking […]
According to Cristiano Chariot, director of the ensemble La Fenice, Venetian opera needs a change of pace. To survive, it should adopt lucrative, audience-oriented strategies, which may mean, for example, […]
According to journalist Shaun Tandon, Generation Y is more concerned with purchasing experiences than music itself. This articles explain why music festivals are a flourishing part of the music business […]
If we tend to believe that music CD revenue is more important than its digital equivalent, this articles shows a different angle. Indeed, for the first time, digital music revenue […]