- Photo : Arthur Cruz/Flickr
Though it is tempting to think that concert attendance correlates with education level and socioeconomic status, this study overturns that assumption. While this may be true in some cases, economists claim that it is not universal. Ignoring the salary ceilings imposed by education levels, the actual cost of cultural activities is a turn-off for only 40% of people. In addition, American’s spare-time has increased these last five years. Before that, spare-time didn’t depend of education level. Now this level is low, it cannot justify why these people who have a lot of spare time don’t attend concerts.
Article : http://createquity.com/2015/05/why-dont-they-come/
Date : 6 mai 2015
Source : Createquity
Authors : Ian David Moss, Louise Geraghty, Clara Schuhmacher et Talia Gibas.